Starting is the Hardest Part

Rama VIII Bridge. Bangkok, Thailand

Rama VIII Bridge. Bangkok, Thailand

My first post.

Fun fact: I’ve purchased and set up a new travel blog every year for the past seven years. I loved setting them up, picking the perfect name, dreaming about future posts, dreaming of becoming an influencer who goes on 2-3 press trips a month, and dreaming of making the career jump to writer, which has been my goal since I was 6 years old.

Then I’d sit down to write my first post, and nothing. My fingers paralyzed. My mind blank.

I’d lay in bed at night and plan posts, with clever phrases and jokes that made me giggle. I could clearly visualize success and my new career as a full time travel writer.

But tomorrow would come, and my daydreams from hours before erased, like a frazzled SD card.

Today I promised myself that I would make a post. No. Matter. What.

They always say starting is the hardest part. So here I am, starting. Ready to share my love of art, and travel, and adventure. I spend my weekends and my holidays experiencing and enjoying art, and I’m really excited to go on this journey. It’s going to be a wonderful!

Thank you for joining me!


The World's First Digital Art Museum - teamLab Borderless in Tokyo, Japan